Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lava River Cave by Emma

We scrambled into the Lava Cave away from the daylight. It was pitch black!
It was pretty chilly but we warmed up as we were hiking. We hiked along until we came across some slippery rocks. It made it quite hard for Gilligan (Dave and Athena's dog). She had to jump from rock to rock.

The ceiling was getting higher and lower again. Some times it was 10 meters tall and other times is was my height. We hiked until we came across a two way loop. We chose the high path. The other path, the ceiling was very low.

We hiked for a little longer and soon we reached the end where all the rocks closed in. There we decided to wave our lights around and take a photo of it. It ended up looking like all these squiggly yellow and white lines on a black background which looked pretty cool. Next we wrote our names with our torches. Dad had to help me with mine because I wasn't exactly sure which way the E would come out. Next we lit up faces for a photo but that didn't exactly work. In one of our squiggly line photos more people were walking up the tunnel so their torches showed up in our photo.

We started walking back. When we reached the two-way loop. Me, Zak, Dad, Dave and Gilligan walked through the low path, which was shorter and had a very low ceiling. We walked along a bit further. It felt like nighttime because it was really dark. I scrambled along and fell over. I had twisted my ankle. I slowly got up again. Every step I took felt painful. Soon we reached the daylight again. We scrambled out the entrance. I hoped my ankle would be better by the morning. And it was.

by Emma

- Posted using BlogPress from Mum's iPad


  1. Cool. Sounds like a great hike, despite the twisted ankle. Glad it was OK in the morning.

  2. I like the way you have written your name - you really are having a lot of adventures. You have written some really good stories and I am enjoying reading them
