Saturday, February 5, 2011

Memories of a holiday

I was off work from 24 December until 10 January. It seemed like a long time at the time but it seems like an even longer time ago now. It was a really good break and I didn't get any work calls at all! Going back to work was more than a bit of a shock to the system...

Christmas day was very busy. The general tone of the day was set by a breakfast of waffles with ice-cream and chocolate sauce... It was great to see everyone.

We didn't do a lot during the break. A couple of days at the beach and a couple of rides.

Work was completely nuts from the first day. We are very busy at the moment and I have some interesting projects going.

Last week Cathy took the kids camping while I was working. I was supposed to catch up with them after work on Friday. The weather man had been saying that Friday night was going to be ugly. We'd just had a really bad storm the weekend before with lots of flooding and slips and they were predicting this one to be similar. So, Cathy and the kids came home on Friday and we went back out for Saturday and Sunday nights. The campground was pretty soggy but we still had a couple of great beach days.

Em and Zak are back at school now so everything is back to normal. Normal is different though as Zak is now at intermediate school (years 7 and 8 are at a separate school for some reason). His new school is miles away from here and none of his mates are in his class. He isn't happy about that but he has no trouble making friends so I don't see it being a problem for long. Emma is with most of the same kids as last year.

So, that's the exciting bits for this part of the year. There is more planned for later...



Hello, I have started my next two years at intermediate school.

About half of my friends are going to Ponsonby with me and the other half are going to Kowhai.
The canteen food is disgusting though most of my friends like it (lucky for them the hot chocolates are only $1) and there is nothing much to do at lunch so we usually play tag.

Classes started on Monday and I take the bus to school most days. I have the art teacher as my form teacher so that means lots of paper supplies to draw on. She is quite nice but I probably won't get to use the paper.

My favorite subject is social sciences we are learning about Rome.

From Zak