Monday, May 9, 2011


I spent this weekend at Datacom's developer 'unconference' as an invited, non-developer. This meant I had to do a session about DBA stuff but also got to attend quite a few other interesting sessions.

It was held in a very nice fishing lodge in Turangi. The food was particularly good with a selection of 4 different meat dishes each night including salmon.

We are heading back to town now, hopefully to make it in time for Mothers day diner at Kristine and Hamish's place.

It was good to have a weekend away but I missed Zak and Emma's soccer games and Emma was awarded Player of the Day for her role as Goalie.


(Unconference - hecklers are expected, nay, required and are expected to contribute equally with the presenter. This helps a lot, you only need to prepare about 15 minutes of stuff for an hour long session).

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