Monday, September 26, 2011

Upper Yosemite Falls Trail

Today we climbed up a trail called the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail. It was an almost vertical climb up the rockfalls in hot sun for and was even harder than the Grouse Grind. We mostly walked on broken rocks which had sometimes been formed into stairs. It was 11.5 km there and back and climbed 820m. It took us 4 hours to walk up and 2 hours to walk down.
We spotted some squirrels, a woodpecker and a small lizard I named Wizard.
We had to have lots of stuff to eat like Jelly Beans, cookies and sandwiches. At the top we had an apple and some other snacks then raced down to the valley floor because there was a storm coming.
The view at the top was amazing! we saw all over the valley and the waterfall that went over the steep face.
I was exhausted after that huge walk.

Looking back into the valley past the shear rock faces we walked past. (Emma's photo).

Looking across the valley from the top. You can see the storm clouds. You could hear the thunder rumbling as it echoed off the walls of the valley.

Us at the top. Mum was scared that children, specifically me, might fall off. (Cathy's picture)

The Lower Yosemite falls from the bottom of the valley. I took this the next morning on our way out of the valley. Dad says that a lot more water comes over the waterfall in spring.

By Zak

- Posted using BlogPress from Mum's iPad


  1. You certainly are having lots of outdoor fun - that looked a really hard climb and I don't blame mum for being scared of you falling off.

  2. Great Blog post Zak. I have been on that hike too and it is one of the best walks I have ever done. Fantastic views.
