Friday, January 7, 2011

Mountain Biking - Emma

At Woodhill Forest, we were mountain biking down Spaghetti (a trail). I saw a three X sign. Dad had told me that it meant the structure was difficult and it was best to avoid them. It was a ramp so I said "Is that a ramp?". And before I knew it I crashed into it. I was covered in dirt. I felt like I was eating dirt. Then I thought "Is that dirt on my tongue?" and I was right. Dad squirted me with the water bottle and I had a couple of drinks to rinse out the dirt.

Around the end of the trail we saw Mum and Zak. There was a see-saw and three small ramps. At first I wasn't sure about the see-saw but then I thought it would be fun to try. So I rode it and it went a bit wonky at the end but it was fun.

When we left Woodhill we went to a bakery. I had a little mince pie and an apple turnover. I squirted lots of tomato sauce on the little mince pie and it was very nice. The apple turnover was delicious but I wondered why the pastry was yellow inside. Zak couldn't eat all of his cream bun so I tried some but the bun wasn't very nice or fresh.

- Posted using BlogPress from Mum's iPad

Location:Woodhill Forest


  1. Cooooooooooooooool Emma! Sounds a bit scary but great fun. :-)

  2. Well Dome Emma, you were very brave to try harder rides

  3. Nice going Emma! Not sure I would take that trail on. Hope to see you when you come to the States in the Fall.

    --Erica (using Mom's account to see what you guys are up to)
