Saturday, November 6, 2010

A poem by me

This is a poem that I made last night about....


Orange and red blue and white
make the starless night alight.

Sparkle, crackle, fizzle, pops.
See which fireworks are the tops.

They go flying through the air
then BANG sparks go everywhere.

I shall watch them in delight.
fireworks on Guy Fawkes night.

Zak Benson


  1. Well done Zak, I think the poem is really good.

  2. Fantastic poem Zak. I really like it. Auntie tine.

  3. Zak, what an awesome poem. Erica and I enjoyed it very much! Just might use it on my 4th of July scrapbook page and give you credit for it.

    All the way from Texas,
    Tonya & Erica
