Thursday, January 3, 2013

The National Kiwi Center

Yesterday we went to The National Kiwi Center. The first thing we saw were the eels. Their long gray, but fish-like bodies swishing around the tank with menacing electric blue eyes flickering in the gloom. The ones upstairs were worse longer and larger there were also more. Some were old blind even, (the old ones had dead cold white eyes, the young ones who could see had electric blue eyes). But it made it no better. Now I can't believe I joined the queue to feed the eels 3 times.

There was no sign of the tuataras probally hiding because of the rainy weather. There were lots of fish, I particulary liked the ones with pink and yellow tails sometimes with a dot of another colour. I don't know what they are though.

Then we saw the kiwi it had thick sturdy legs, a long beak and glossy brown feathers. It was running around in circles madly. Then a man came in to give the kiwi its lunch. He put down a plastic plate with a pinky brown mushy substance. I think it was worms or something of the sort. It ran to the food and pecked at it and the man walked out. It kept running in circles in the enclosure and pecking at the food, and repeating.

By Emma

- Posted using BlogPress from Mum's iPad


  1. Eels! I think I'd prefer to see the kiwi.

  2. The eels sound awful, I don't think I would have stayed too long in there
