Thursday, December 27, 2012

On the road again...

We are in Wellington after driving 9 hours from home. We listened to The Hunger Games audiobook on the way. Zak and Emma think it is a pretty cool book but Cathy and I thought it really sad.
Our hotel is just up the road from the cinema that premiered The Hobbit a couple of weeks back so we stopped to take some pictures of Gandalf.
The pizza we had was better than what Emma and Cathy had last time they were in Wellington. Apparently the one last time had a really thick base that was barely cooked - like eating raw pizza dough. Disgusting. today's was much better.

- Posted using BlogPress from Cathy's iPad


  1. Did you stay on Wakefield Street? Cathy please remember the name of the pizza place for future WOW visits to Wellington... oh was it Calzone at the bottom of Courtney Place opposite the Embassy Theatre? Auntie Tine.

  2. Glad the pizza was better than the last one! also hope the weather is better than here
