Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Lunar Eclipse by Emma

I woke up on December 11 2011, I didn't open my eyes. Instead I was pulled out of bed and carried along. I felt a cold rush of air as we past the front door. Someone wrapped me in rugs and put me on a couch outside. It was Dad.

The lunar eclipse started at 12:45 AM. A lunar eclipse is when the earth's shadow hits the moon so that it blocks the sun. I struggled to keep my eyes open, the moon was cloudy and bright yellow. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. So I closed them and dropped of to sleep almost instantly.

By Emma.

This was sort of like what I saw.

[BB - Unfortunately, it was cloudy most of the night so we only saw the eclipse in glimpses. Waking Emma was hard! I had to shake her for about 5 minutes and she was as floppy as a rag doll! At this point the clouds were clearing and the eclipse was finishing so she didn't see it at it's reddest.]

- Posted using BlogPress from Mum's iPad

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are using your blog again even though the story is a bit old. Great picture
