I made a Blinky Bug with Dad. It is a silver spider with red LED eyes. When you tap the antennae the Blinky Bug blinks.
We made it with a battery, two LEDs, some guitar strings, pipe cleaners and fuzzy balls for the body. We taped the battery, the LEDs and the guitar strings together and glued on the body and legs.

We also made traffic lights. It took a lot of planning and rebuilding. In the end we brought a rotary switch because it turns on one light at a time. We used specific colors for the wires that match the LEDs. A lot of soldering was involved and I burnt Dads finger with soldering iron. Dad drilled holds in a box for my traffic lights and rotary switch.

Hi Emma. That sounds cool. I will have to come and have a look at your bug and traffic lights set up sometime soon. Not so good about your Dad's hands though! Auntie tine. x