21st April
Today we walked down to Hahei Beach to do some kayaking. Zak and I paddled out first. I found it extremely hard to get in the kayak while it was in the water. After a lot of struggling, I managed to get in, with Dads help. Zak and I paddled a long way out from the beach. It was hard to balance my weight in the kayak and I was aware of it rocking back and forth a lot. I got pretty near falling out a few times. Zak and I drifted and paddled around. We bumped into each other a few times. Then Zak paddled back to the shore to swap for Dad (we only had two kayaks).
Dad and I headed for an island out from Hahei. Occasionally we were pushed about by the wake of passing boats. We were going okay but it was just too hard as the wind kept pushing us out to sea. Instead we went back down the beach. When we got nearer the shore we had to paddle as fast as we could before the next big wave came. But Dad didn't give me enough warning and as I was frantically paddling towards shore I was tipped out of my kayak by the wave and was aware of it hitting me on the head.

My sand man.

Zak's caterpillar
By Emma
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad