Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Birthday Fun

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Zak, happy birthday to me!

Hello everybody

On my actual birthday me and my friends played an outdoor laser tag. We had a lot of fun shooting each other on Mt Albert. The next day was my family birthday. I got pretty much all the stuff I wanted and some great things I didn't. We had lots yummy cake and snacks, I wish I could have waffles and ice cream for breakfast every day! Now I see that I got 4.6 kg of books. They will keep me busy for a long time.

Thanks for the presents and making it to the party.

From Zak

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Good Friday

Hi everybody

On Friday we were at the Bay of Islands. The Easter bunny gave me a chocolate bunny and it seemed to shrink during the rest of the week. Today we were going to see some of the historic sights of the Bay of Islands. Hooray. First we went to see the Treaty House in Waitangi and brought a translated copy of the Treaty. Did you know that before the Treaty House was restored it was used as a sheep barn? One of the reasons we decided to go there was my social studies class in school, we were studying the Treaty. After lunch at the Treaty House we went to see the Hundertwasser Toilets which were kinda boring because Emma had to look at every little detail. I mean who would go on holiday to examine toilets?


Saturday, April 7, 2012

I have no hair!

As previously mentioned I signed up to raise money for Leukemia and Blood Cancer NZ. As loss of hair is a common side effect for the treatment of these illnesses, their fund raising promotion is called Shave of a Cure. Their stated goal is to get 10,000 people to shave, representing the 10,000 people suffering from these and related illnesses at any given time in NZ.

I figured that sacrificing my long hair I might be able to raise a reasonable amount of money for this cause and jumped in. Initially I spammed all my friends and relatives and people I work with at Datacom and some of our clients that I work with. Then it got posted on the Datacom intranet...

By the appointed time for the shave (done in the lunch room at work for maximum publicity) I had raised about $3500. Some cash was collected and a few more people donated later bringing the total to $3855. I'm pretty happy with this total. It is more than I really thought I could raise but mostly it isn't about me but about the seriousness of the cause.

So, what does Bruce with no hair look like? Check out the photo I posted on my Shave Page

I don't like it. I especially don't like how it feels when I, unconsciously, rub my hand over it. I REALLY don't like it when Zak messes with it. He will be lucky if he doesn't lose a hand in the next few days...


- Posted using BlogPress from Cathy's iPad

Monday, April 2, 2012

Earthquake - Poem by Emma


The earth cracks it starts to shake,

The angry toddler is awake,

Crack and crumble goes the earth,

Breaking bones and ripping towns,

The toddler kicks and bites and hits,

The earth stops shaking,

Mum puts the grumpy toddler to sleep,

We mend the broken earth,

Bandage broken bones,

Recover from the injuries and

Life is peaceful once again.